Sta­te­ment on Is­rael-Pa­les­ti­ne

HELSINKI LEFT stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people against the mass killing of innocent civilians. Read our statement.

HELSINKI LEFT stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemns Finland’s abstention on the UN General Assembly resolution proposed by Jordan for a humanitarian ceasefire in Israel-Palestine, which was adopted with an overwhelming majority.

HELSINKI LEFT recognises the right of peoples to struggle for independence and self-determination, as affirmed by the UN General Assembly. 

HELSINKI LEFT also condemns the mass killing of innocent civilians in any context, including the killing of civilians in Israel by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, upon instruction by Hamas, and the killing of civilians in Palestine by the Israeli Defence Forces, upon instruction by the ultranationalist Israeli government coalition.

Despite being appalled at the atrocities carried out by Hamas, HELSINKI LEFT’s criticism is weighted against the Israeli government (and by association, its military), which is engaging in the intentional and illegal mass killing of civilians.

The rhetoric and actions of the Israeli government are consistent with ethnic cleansing and genocide, particularly mass infanticide. The long-standing collective detention and blockade of Palestinians in Gaza, along with periodic bursts of collective punishment, particularly in the current and most severe campaign against the Palestinian people this century, are cruel and illegal and have created a devastating and worsening humanitarian crisis.

The Israeli government has shown total disregard for international law and is seeking to distance itself from the UN to avoid accountability. There is an alarmingly high risk of an escalation into a regional war, which would lead to the loss of many more lives, destruction of communities, pollution of habitats with ecocidal detonated munitions waste, and pollution of the environment with greenhouse gases.

HELSINKI LEFT calls for an immediate ceasefire that would enable the delivery of aid and essential resources to Gaza and the negotiation of lasting peace. It calls for the Finnish government to change policy by backing a ceasefire and immediately halting arms trade with Israel.

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